Visakha District RMSA In-Service Trainings 2016 Schedule Details

Visakha District RMSA In-Service Trainings 2016 Schedule Details. Rc.No: 433/RMSA/2015 Dt: -01 -2016 - RMSA – In Service Teacher Training Programme – Schedule dates for conduct of Training Programme for the left over teachers who have not trained earlier during the year 2014 – 15 - Instructions issued for reliving the teachers – Orders Issued.
  • 1) Lr.Rc.No: 822/B/C & T/SCERT/RMSA-2015, Dt: 23-12-2015 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education and Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, AP, Hyderabad. 
  • 2) Lr.Rc.No: 36/AO/APMS/RMSA/2014, Dt: 11-12-2015 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education and Ex-Officio Project Director , RMSA, AP,Hyderabad.
  • 3) This office Progs Rc.No.433/RMSA-Trgs/2014-15, Dated:26 .12.2015.
  • 4) E-Mail received on 01-01-2016 at 6.00 PM from the Commissioner of School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, AP, Hyderabad.
  • 5) Note Orders of the District Collector & Chairman, RMSA, Visakhapatnam, on 30-12-2015.

Visakha District RMSA In-Service Trainings 2016 Schedule Details

  1. In pursuance of the references 1st and 2nd cited, and interms of this office progs 3rd cited, All the Head Masters of Secondary Schools in the District are informed that it has been decided to conduct District Level In-service Training for Secondary School Teachers in English, Hindi, Telugu, Mathematics, Physical Science, Biological Science, Social Studies and Physical Education for the teachers handling 9th and 10th classes in the District in a non-residential mode. The teachers retiring within 6 months may be exempted from this training programme. 
  2. It is decided to provide training to Language Pundits Grade-II i.e., Telugu and Hindi who are handling 9th and 10th classes. Teachers working in Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, Aided, Ashrama Schools, APTWREIS, APRIES, APSWRIES, Managements are to be included in the training programme.
  3. The present training programme intended to provide training to the teachers who are not trained (on New Textbooks and CCE Procedure) during January and February 2015. Care should be taken while selecting the teachers that teachers handling IX and X class are to be deputed to the training programme. 
The details of the trainings spell wise is detailed here under::
Spell Wise Details Training Details Dates
Spell -I Training at District Level for Language Pundits and SA  (Telugu  Hindi )and SA English  04-01-2016 to 08-01-2016
Spell - II Training Programme for Mathematics and Social Studies 27-01-2016 to 31-01-2016
Spell - III Training Programme for Physical Science and Biological Science, Physical Education Teachers 2-2-2016 to 6-2-2016

The detailed time schedule is given under for uniformity in conducting the training programme. The training programme has to be completed as per the schedule mentioned below.
Sl.No Name of the Division   Venue fixed for conduct of 1st Spell Training  for High School Teachers Date fixed for the training programme in 1st Spell Subject alloted for conduct of 1st Spell - In-Service Training for High  School Teachers
1 Visakhapatnam M.V.D.M.High School, Visakhapatnam 04.01.2016 to 08.01.2016
at 9.00 AM
Telugu 75
Hindi 65
English 110
2 Yellamanchili J.M.J. High School , Anakapalli 04.01.2016 to 08.01.2016
at 9.00 AM
Telugu 79
Hindi 65
English 110
3 Paderu GHS Paderu 04.01.2016 to 08.01.2016
at 9.00 AM
English 100

The Head Masters of Secondary Schools in the following mandals are also informed to relieve the teachers of Telugu and Hindi (Language Pandits and School Assistants ) who have not trained earlier to the training centers as shown against the Mandals detailed below.
Sl.No Name of the Mandal Venue fixed for the training Date fixed for the training Subjects
1 Dumbriguda Visakhapatnam M.V.D.M.High School, Visakhapatnam 04-01-2016 to 08-01-2016 School Assistants & Language Pandits Telugu & Hindi
2 Koyyuru J.M.J. High School , Anakapalli 04-01-2016 to 08-01-2016  School Assistants & Language Pandits Telugu & Hindi

The Deputy Educational Officers in the District are requested to conduct the In-Service Teacher Training Programme for the teachers at Divisional Level under RMSA as per the schedule dates specified above, duly following the norms and guidelines already communicated.
The Head Masters are informed to relive the teachers who have not trained earlier during the year 2014 -15. The Head Masters also informed to instruct the teachers to bring the training module and text books to the training programme which has already been supplied to the schools.