Tea/Coffee, Neat Staff Rooms, Lockers to AP Teachers in Schools Lr 611993

Request to arrange the facilities to the Teachers in the Staff Room in all schools in the State. Lr. Rc. No. 611993. File No.ESE02/19/2018-DESIGN-CSE  Lr. Rc. No. 611993/CSE/DC/2018, Dated: 07/10/2018. Teachers have a long working day. Hence, for those teachers interested to have Tea/Coffee, the local arrangement may be made through the contributory mechanism. Staff room/s should be well maintained and given a face-lift to ensure a welcoming ambiance for teachers, A Locker/Cabinet may be provided so that Teachers can keep their personal or academic material safely.

Tea/Coffee, Staff Rooms, Locker to AP Teachers in Schools Lr 611993 

  • Sub: School Education - Design Cell - Request to arrange the facilities to the Teachers in the Staff Room in all schools in the State - Reg.
       It is important that Teachers are provided adequate facilities while they are in school. During the visits of the inspecting officers to the schools, it is noticed that the Teacher's staff rooms (where available) are in a very bad condition. They are poorly maintained, the plaster is peeling off the walls, floors are broken, there are no lockers, furniture is in need of repair/supply. Action needs to be taken on the following to ensure the above:
  • 1. Staff room/s should be well maintained and given a face-lift to ensure a welcoming ambiance for teachers.
  • 2. Teachers have a long working day. Hence, for those teachers interested to have Tea/Coffee, the local arrangement may be made through the contributory mechanism.
  • 3. Staff rooms should be well furnished with good quality tables and chairs for teachers.
  • 4. A Locker/Cabinet may be provided so that Teachers can keep their personal or academic material safely.
  • 5. Identified staff room where additional classrooms are available/to be constructed.
  • Towards this end, instructions are issued to the DEOs to take action on serial 1 and 2 in the schools, where ever feasible.
SPD, SSA is being addressed to ensure provision of furniture and lockers for Teachers' Staff Room as part of the HAM (Hybrid Annuity Mode). Work orders are already issued package wise. While reviewing at the district level, the final list of furniture to be provided, in coordination with the SSA Engineering team, Teacher's staff room requirements covering serial 3 & 4 may be got included.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers in the State are request to give necessary instructions to the DyEOs / MEOs / HMs in the district on serials 1 & 2. Available funds at the school level may be utilized for improving the ambience of the staff rooms.