SSC Public Exams Schedule for Appointment of CS, DO, Invigilators Rc 115. Rc.No. 1151B-1/2019, Dated: 19-02-2019. Sub: SSC Public Examinations, March 2019 — Arrangements to be made — Orders to be prepared & Dispatched — Reg. The SSC Public Examinations March, 2019 are scheduled to be conducted from 18-03-2019 to 02-04-2019 between 09.30 AM to 12.15 PM throughout the State. The smooth conduct of the SSC Public Examinations naturally calls for considerable caution and vigil.

SSC Public Exams Schedule for Appointment of CS, DO, Invigilators Rc 115
- Therefore, all the D.E.Os and A.C.G.Es in the District should evince personal interest and take all precautionary measures. They should plan and complete all pre-examination works so that no problem would arise at the time of conduct of examinations.
- In this regard, the undersigned has developed drawn schedule of events with indication of dates before which they have to be performed. Surely it helps as a planner to keep on the office table to take up works as per schedule.
- All the District Educational Officers and Asst. Commissioners are instructed to follow it without fail. Slightest variation and delay in completion of the activities mentioned would affect the conduct of Sc Examinations, which we cannot afford.
- All the Regional Joint Directors are requested to hold review meetings in their offices with all the DEOs and ACGEs under their jurisdiction and review the arrangements made.