Visakha District Composite School Grants Release Details 2020

Visakha District Composite School Grants Release Details 2020. COMPOSITE SCHOOL GRANT TO BE RLEASED TO SCHOOLS FOR THE YEAR 2019-20 BASINING ON THE ENROLLMENT IN THE CHILDINFO AS ON 13.08.2019. CSG School Grants have been released in 3 Spells.

Visakha District Composite School Grants Release Details 2020

Rc.No.SSA-AM10QM/14/2019-SA(B)-APSSAVSP Dt: 03/01/2020
  • The School Headmasters in the District are requested to incurred the expenditure as per the SS norms and guidelines appended to this proceeding and submit the Utilization Certifcates to the DPO, APSS, Visakhapatnam on or before end of the fnancial year 2019-20. The Expenditure shall be met from the following intervention under AWP&B 2019-20.