AP Teachers Rationalization further Guidelines Rc 13029 Additional Norms-1

AP Teachers Rationalization further Guidelines Rc 13029 Additional Norms-1 
File No.ESE02-13029/11/2020-EST 3-CSE Rc.No.13029/11/2020-EST 3
Sub:- School Education - Norms for reapportionment of teachers- The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines as per Government orders-Schedule with instructions -Communicated- Regarding.

AP Teachers Rationalization further Guidelines Rc 13029 Additional Norms-1

1. G.O.Ms.No.53 School Education (Ser.II) Department dated. 12.10-2020. 
2. G.O.Ms.No.54 School Education (Ser.II) Department dated.1210-2020.
&&& (Copies) Communicated.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references 1st and 2nd read above wherein Government have issued guidelines regarding reapportionment of teachers and transfers of the categories of Headmasters of Gr. II Gazetted, School Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School Education Subordinate Services working in the Govt. Schools and Z.P.P and M.P.P.Schools in the state.
The Time Schedule for completion of Transfers exercise is enclosed herewith. The transfer schedule should be followed scrupulously without any deviation.
The following important guidelines are issued regarding Reapportionment of teachers and conduct of Transfers of Teacher through Web counseling in the State.
  • 1 The re-apportionment of posts/Teachers of Government/Zilla Parishadand Mandal Parishad Schools shall be taken based on the Child info which was thoroughly scrutinized and was put to social audit for implementing Ammavodi 2019-20 of the academic year 2019-20 with cut off date of 29th February, 2020. If there is any significant increase in roll in the school, appraise the same to the District Level Committee (DLC) duly obtaining declaration from the concerned Head Master case by case. Further for such cases childinfo of 2020-2021 as on 14.10.2020 shall be taken as reference. After approval of DLC / Joint Collector (Development), consider the roll for re-apportionment in the said schools.