Nadu Nedu -2 Instructions for Capturing Photos of Roof & Ceiling Treatment

Circular.No.2157082/MBNN/2023 Dated.26/07/2023 Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II –Certain instructions while capturing the photos of Roof & Ceiling treatment - Reg.

Nadu Nedu -2 Instructions for Capturing Photos of  Roof & Ceiling Treatment 

Sub: Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II –Certain instructions while capturing the photos of Roof & Ceiling treatment - Reg.

Ref:- Decision taken in the weekly review meeting held on 25.07.2023 .

During the weekly WebEx meetings instructions are being issued to all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators to ensure the uploading of 5 Stage photos of Roof & Ceiling treatment immediately after completion of work by the Supplier by the Head Masters. Once the HM uploads all the 5 photos then only the Supplier can access the STMS for uploading the invoice.

During the meetings with the Vendors/ Suppliers they are reporting that the HMs are not uploading the Photos in time even after several requests are made to the Head Masters. The slackness on the part of the HMs in this respect cannot be tolerated and wilful delay will be punished as per rules.

All District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators should ensure that this circular reaches to all the Phase-II Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu Program Head Masters in the Districts and see that all photos of 5 stages are uploaded in the STMS immediately after completion of each layer by the Head Masters.

Any further complaints received from the suppliers after 31.07.2023 severe disciplinary action shall be initiated by the District Educational Officers/ Additional Project Coordinators in the districts and the action taken shall be intimated to MBNN CSI Office.

Hence all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are instructed to ensure that the above instructions are complied by the Head Masters.