AP Teachers Work Adjustment 2023 Guidelines SGTs/ SAs Work Adjustment August 2023

AP Teachers Work Adjustment 2023 Guidelines SGTs/ SAs Work Adjustment August 2023.  School Education - Academics – Work Adjustment of Subject Teachers/SGTs as per requirement in the Schools in all managements i.e.,Govt/ZPP/MPP/Municipal including High School plus– Certain instructions -Issued.  Guidelines for Allotting Surplus Teachers to Needy Schools under Work Adjustment.
Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(5) Date:13/08/20233

AP Teachers Work Adjustment 2023 Guidelines SGTs/ SAs Work Adjustment August 2023

AP Teachers Work Adjustment 2023 Guidelines SGTs/ SAs Work Adjustment August 2023

Sub: School Education - Academics – Work Adjustment of Subject Teachers/SGTs as per requirement in the Schools in all managements i.e., Govt/ZPP/MPP/Municipal including High School plus– Certain instructions -Issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.84, SE (Prog.II)Dept., dt:24.12.2021. 
2. G.O.Ms.No.85, SE (Prog.II)Dept., dt:24.12.2021.
3. G.O.Ms.No.117, SE (Ser.II)Dept., dt:10.06.2022.
4. G.O.Ms.No.128, SE (Ser.II)Dept., dt:13.07.2022.
5. G.O.Ms.Mo.47 SE(Ser.II) Dept, dt:22.05.2023.
6. G.O Ms.No. 60 SE(Ser.II) Dept, dt: 23.06.2023.

O R D E R:
The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state (erstwhile) are invited to the references read above wherein rationalization of teachers was completed based on the previous academic year enrolment i.e., as on 31.08.2022. Further, it was observed that adverse news articles are being published in the daily newspaper regarding the deficiency of teachers in some schools after completion of teacher transfers and issuance of promotions.

Accordingly, all the District Educational Ofcers in the state (erstwhile) have submitted the details of Need/Surplus teachers in the State in all managements i.e.,Govt/ZPP/ MPP/Municipal including High School plus based on 31.07.2023 enrolment as per the above mentioned G.Os.

Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State (erstwhile) are instructed to depute the teachers to the needy schools with the prior approval of the following committee.

a. District Magistrate &Collectors(Erstwhile districts) - Chairperson. 
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b. District Magistrate & Collectors (New districts) - Co-Chairperson 
 c. District Educational Officer (Erstwhile Districts) - Convenor. 
d. District Educational Officer (new Districts) - Member Further, 

it is informed that, if any surplus School Assistants are available, they shall be adjusted in High School Plus based on need. Further, in case of non-availability of School Assistants, qualified surplus SGTs may be deputed to teach the concerned subjects for Pre-High Schools and High Schools. The priority on adjustment of teachers shall be as follows:

Priority of Adjustment
  • i. Within School Complex.
  • ii. Within mandal.
  • iii. Adjacent mandal.
  • iv. Within the division.
  • v. Adjacent division.
  • vi. Intra Management.
Further it is informed that, while drafting surplus teachers to the needy schools the following guidelines should be followed.

Guidelines for Allotting Surplus Teachers to Needy Schools

  • a. First preference to the schools where no Subject teacher or SGT available.
  • b. Don’t depute upland area/ agency area surplus teachers to plain areas.
  • c. If any surplus teacher working in plain area given willingness to work in upland area/ agency area, his/her request should be considered based on the need.
  • d. If there are no surplus teachers in Municipal Schools, then identifying the surplus Teachers in Government/ ZPP/MPP Management shall be adjusted them into the needy Municipal schools preferably within Mandal or adjacent Mandals and vice-versa.
  • e. Subject teachers shall be available in all High School plus and High Schools after completion of work adjustment exercise.
Further, all the District Educational Officers in the state (erstwhile) are requested to submit the details of teachers adjusted as per the above exercise in the following proforma on or before 18.08.2023 to this office.

The above instructions should be followed scrupulously without any deviation. Any adverse news items published regarding deficit of teachers in High School plus, High schools and regular SGTs in Foundation and Foundation plus schools, the concerned District Educational Officer will be held responsible and stringent action will be taken against them as per CCA Rules.

Top Priority should be given to this item of work.