Finance UO Nos for Re-Apportion GO 117 and Transfers 2023 GO 47 Released GO 69,70

Finance UO Nos for Re-Apportion GO 117 and Transfers 2023 GO 47 Released GO 69,70

Finance UO Nos for Re-Apportion GO 117 and Transfers 2023 GO 47 Released GO 69,70

School Education - Norms for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Praja parishad Schools- Orders issued - Continuation - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.70 Dated: 08.08.2023

Read the following
1. G.O.Ms.No.117, SE (Ser.II) Department, dated: 10.06.2022.
2. From the Commissioner of School Education, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02 - 13/90/2021-EST 3-CSE-Part(6), dated: 08.07.2022.
3. G.O.Ms.No.128, SE (Ser.II) Department, dated: 13.07.2022.

In continuation of G.O's 1st & 3rd read above, the Finance (HR-II) Department U.O.No.1778011/HR-II/FIN0l-HR0PDPP(RRD)/97/2022, dated.06.08.2023 is related to the norms for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Praja parishad Schools.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter

G.O.Ms.No.69 Dated :08.08.2023

School Education - Ensuring of subject teachers in the Pre-High School, High Schools & High School Plus and the required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus - The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of transfers) Rules - Orders issued - Continuation - Orders - Issued.

SCHOOL EDUCATION (Services-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.69 Dated :08.08.2023

Read the following
1. A.P. Education Act, 1982 (Act 1 of 1982).
2. G.O.Ms.No.117, SE (Ser.II) Department, dated: 10.06.2022.
3. G.O.Ms.No.128, SE (Ser.II) Department, dated:13.07.2022.
4. From the CSE, e-file No.ESE02-14/1l/2022-EST4-CSE.
5. G.O.Ms.No.47, SE (Ser.II) Department, dated: 10.06.2022.

In continuation of G.O. 5th read above, the Finance (HR-II) Department U.O. No. HROPDPP(TRPO)/168/2023 (Computer No. 2120058), dated.06.08.2023 is related to the Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of transfers) Rules, to ensuring of subject teachers in the Pre-High School, High Schools & High School Plus and the required number of teachers in Foundational' Schools, Foundational School Plus.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.