CSE Minutes of Meeting with Private Schools- Solutions for Problems - Action to be Taken

CSE Minutes of Meeting with Private School Managements - Solutions - Action to be Taken
Rc.No.19/139/2022-GS GR-2-CSE, Dt:22/10/2023.  The minutes of meeting and important decisions are enclosed for taking necessary action by the Regional Joint Directors/District Educational Officers. 
School Education Private Un-aided schools- Minutes of the meeting with management-Instructions to all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state - Reg.

Sub: School Education Private Un-aided schools- Minutes of the meeting with management-Instructions to all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the state - Reg.

CSE Minutes of Meeting with Private Schools- Solutions for Problems - Action to be Taken

  • 1. This Office Procs. Rc.No.ESE02-36/255/2020-COMM SE-CSE, Dt:14.10.2022.
  • 2. This office Procs.Rc.No.19/139/2022-GS GR-II- CSE, Dt:31.05.2023.
  • 3. This Office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-36/255/2020-COMM SE-CSE, Dt:18.04.2023
  • 4. This office Procs.Rc.No.19/139/2022-GS&GR-2, Dt:26.06.2023.
  • 5. This office Procs.Rc.No.36/255/2022-GS&GR-2, Dt:14.08.2023.
  • 6. Lr.No.17/APPUSMA, Dt:11.09.2023 of the APPUSMA
  • 7. Representation Dt:15.09.2023 of the APPSA-1.
  • 8. This office Lr.Rc.No.36/255/2020-GS&Gr-II, Dt:16.10.2023.
  • 9. Minutes of Meeting with Pvt Un-Aided Schools on 17.10.2023.

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational officers in the state is invited to the references 6th to 9th read above, the Commissioner of School Education has conducted a meeting with the Private Un-Aided Managements associations on 17.10.2023 at 4:00 PM at O/o State Project Director, Andhra Pradesh Vijayawada.

The minutes of meeting and important decisions are enclosed for taking necessary action by the Regional Joint Directors/District Educational Officers. 

In addition to the directions as per the Minutes of Meeting, action to be taken on the following points also:

1. To allow the physical challans (as application fee) which were taken on or before 17.10.2023. A provision to upload them in online up to 31.10.2023 will be enabled.

2. It has come to the notice of the undersigned that some of the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers are accepting the manual applications for permission/ recognition/renewal and issuing orders, contrary to the orders issued by CSE that no manual application or proposals for permission, recognition, or renewal would be entertained by the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers.

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Hence, it is reiterated that if any instance of manual processing of applications are reported, severe action will be taken against the Regional Joint Directors of School Education / District Educational Officers concerned.

3. Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers should adhere to the G.O.Ms.38, Dt:22.04.2023 and recognition/ renewal to be given for 8 years for all fresh applications. as this

4. It is also reported that the Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers are issuing orders for Provisional Recognition to the Private Unaided Schools, whereas this office in reference 1st read above has clearly instructed that there are no rules and provisions for issuance of provisional recognition in respect of Private Un-Aided Schools and that it is and void.

5. It is also reported that the genuine problems of the teachers and staff working in Private Un-Aided Schools even when reported to the DEOS and RJDs are not acted upon by them.
  • Adherence to School Timings and Holidays as per Academic calendar 
  • Conducting classes on holidays and Not paying salaries on public holidays
  • Payment of salaries through bank accounts
  • Employee Provident Fund
  • Health Insurance
  • Compensation to the deceased employees
  • Employee termination without prior intimation
  • Casual leaves as per Government norms
In this regard instructions were issued to all the managements to strictly follow all the Government instructions and rules as per sub rule (4) (e) of rule 18 of G.O.Ms.1 Dt;01-01-1994 in this regard. Any violation will lead to action including suspension/ cancellation of recognition as per rule 11 in G.O.Ms.No.01, Dt:01.01.1994.

Rule (4)(e) of Rule 18 of GO Ms No 1 Dated 1.1.1994
  • 15% of the fees collected shall be earmarked as management’s contribution towards staff benefits like gratuity, teachers provident fund, Group Insurance scheme etc.,
Therefore, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are once again requested to follow the guidelines issued by this office from time to time without fail.

Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously.

Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.