Instructions on 100% implementation of AP FRS Employees Attendance System [Facial Recognition] Memo 1940843

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Instructions on 100% implementation of AP FRS Attendance System [Facial Recognition System] Memo No.1940843

Cir Memo No.1940843/G.A (PU.Bl Dept./2023 dt.09.10.2023.

Sub:- Policy Unit - Implementation of AP FRS Attendance System (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System) - Certain instructions - Issued - Reg.

1. G.O.Ms.No.159, G.A (PU.B) Department, dt.26.12.2022.
2. Govt.Cir.MemoNo.GAD0l-PU0GAD/27/2022-PU-B, dt.27.12.2022.
3. G.A (PU.B) Dept. U.O.Note No.GAD0l-PU0GAD/27/2022-PU.B-2, dt.24.01.2023.
4. Govt.Cir.Memo No.GAD0l-PU0GAD/27/2022-PU-B, dt.6.2.2023.

The attention of all the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments and District Collectors is invited to the references cited wherein orders have been issued vide reference 1st cited for implementation of Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition based attendance) to all the employees of all the categories of Government offices across the State, and to implement to the employees working in the Offices of Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments and District Offices w.e.f.01.01.2023, and to the employees of all other offices w.e.f.16.01.2023.

2. Further vide reference 2nd cited, instructions were issued for appointment of Nodal Officers for enrollment and implementation of FRBAS. It was also informed that the Spl.CS/Prl.Secy,/Secretary to Government, HoDs are responsible for implementation of Attendance by Photography in respect of employees of their Departments, concerned HoDs and their subordinate Offices upto Village level and the District Collectors in Collectorate and also all District Offices in their District. Further, instructions were issued from time to time to ensure 100% enrollment of the employees in AP-FRS app for making their attendance in app only.

3. In this regard it is informed that on verification of the Dash Board of AP- FRS ( website, the following issues are noticed:

(i) The enrollment of employees in AP-FRS App is not upto the mark, as number of employees are still to enroll in the Mobile App due to which implementation of attendance by AP-FRS App is not fully operational in their offices.

(ii) Further, all the enrolled employees are not marking their attendance in the AP-FRS app and only at an average of 45 - 50% employees only are making attendance in AP-FRS App.

(iii) Most of the employees are marking their attendance during the morning (Check in) only and not making their attendance at the time of leaving the office (Check out).

(iv) The provision for applying leave for CL & OH in the AP-FRS app is not being utilized.
(v) Failure of DDOs/OPs/Establishment in-charges in verifying the attendance made by the employees with reference to office location and attendance marked at other locations.

4. All the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments and District Collectors are therefore requested to take necessary action on the above issues and ensure strict implementation of Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition based attendance) through AP-FRS App with 100% enrollment of the employees and marking attendance through AP-FRS App only.

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