AP CCA Rules - All Reference Orders AP Employees Classification Control and Appeal Rules

Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules 1991. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SER-C) DEPARTMENT. The ARCS (CCA) Rules 1991 (G.O.Ms. No. 487 GA(Scr. C)Dept, dt 14.9.92) were published in the A.P. Gazette on 1st July 1992. These rules came into force with effect from 1 October 1992. These rules are intended to be applicable to every Government servant who is a member of the Civil Service of the State, whether permanent or temporary, a Government Servant whose services are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Govt. of India, the Government of another state or a company, corporation or organization owned or controlled by Government, or a local or other authority and a Central Government employee, employee of other state Government and Employee of a Local Government of A.P. who is temporarily working with the State Government.

CCA Rules - All Reference Orders AP Employees Classification Control and Appeal Rules

The Civil services of the state are classified into :
i) The State service-included in schedule I (Gazetted officers), and
ii) The subordinate services-included in schedule II (Non Gazetted employees).

Below are the Complete Reference Orders on AP CCA Rules from the beginning.
1. U.O.Note No. 2317 Ser.D/73/GAD Dept., dated 25-6-1974 Corruption cases - Communication to ACB – Instructions
2. Memo No.655/Ser.C/99. G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 17-08-1990 Proposals to A.P.P.S.C for advice on Disciplinary cases
3. Memo No. 290/Ser.C/94-2 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept.., Dt. 1-6-1994 Appointment of Enquiry Officer-Procedure Setout
4. G.O.Ms.No. 490, G.A. (Ser.-C) Dept., Dt. 8-8-1991
5. G.O.Ms.No. 238, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 7-4-1992 Regulating the period of suspension as duty
6. G.O.Ms.No. 487 GH (Ser.-C) Dept. dt. 14-9-1992
7. Memo No. 13431-160-AF. R. II/93, Fin. & Pig. (FW. FR.II) Dept., Dt. 1-4-1993, Payment of subsistence allowance during the period of suspension
8. G.O.Ms.No. 335, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 14-6-1993 Stoppage of increments with cumulative effect - major penalty
9. G.O.Ms.No.411 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 20-7-1993 Orders of suspension – formats
10. G.O.Ms.No. 480, G.A. (Ser.-C) Dept., Dt. 7-9-1993 Suspension beyond the period of 6 months
11. Memo No.745/Ser.-C/93 G.A. (Ser.-C) Dept., D1. 24-12-1993 Conducting of Enquiries-Instructions
12. G.O.Rt.No. 6421 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 29-12-1993 First proviso to rule 25 – Deletions
13. G.O.Ms.No. 86, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 08-03-1994 Review of orders of suspension against Government Servants
14. Memo.No. 290 GAD-Ser.C/94-2, Dept., dt. 1-6-1994 Appointment procedure for enquiry officer
15. Memo.No.263/SC.D/94-2/GAD/Dept., dt.04-01-1995, ACB Enquiry - Discontinuance of parallel enquiries
16. Govt. Memo. No. 650/Ser.C/94-3 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 06-01-1995 Procedure for imposing major penalties.
17. O.M.No. 11013/12/94-East(A) Govt. of India, dt. 12-1-95 Govt. Employees - Influence of non-officials
18. Govt. Memo. No. 657 Ser.C 94-4 G.A.D. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 09-03-1995 Taking the Assistance or retired Govt. employees.
19. Memo. No.713/Ser.C/94-1 GAD/ Dept., dt. 24-04-1995 Suspension of officers - involved in trap cases
20. G.O.Ms. No. 250 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 23-06-1995 Amendment to Appendix – III
21. G.O.Ms. No. 387 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 13-09-1995 Amendment to Rules. DPT Rules -Action on its report.
22. Memo.No.3263 SC-E/95-1/GAD (SC-E) Dept., dt. 04-11-1995 Departmental enquiries based on ACB reports.
23. G.O. Ms. No. 77 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 27-2-96 District collectors empowered to take action against District Officials.
24. G.O.Ms.No. 82 GAD (Ser.C) Dept., dt. 01-03-1996 C.C.A. Rules 1991 - Format-Prescribed
25. Memo. No. 689 Ser.C/95-4/GAD/Dept., dt. 16-3-1996 Misappropriation cases - police investigation
26. U.O.Note No. 689 Ser.C/95-2/GAD/Dept., dt. 16-3-1996 Expeditious action in Misappropriation cases
27. Memo. No. 689 Ser-C/95-3/GAD, Dept., dt. I6-3-1996 Misappropriation cases - Expeditious action
28. Govt. Memo. No. 550/Ser.C/95-3 G.A. (Scr.C) Dept. Dt. 21-03-1996 - Specific mention of Subsistence allowance in the orders of suspension.
29. G.O.Ms.No. 198 (Ser-C), Dept., dated 03-05-1996 T.A.&D.A. payment for non-official witnesses
30. Memo. No. 404 GAD/Sc.D/96-2, Dept., dated 10-5-1996 Petitions against Govt. Servants - Referring to A.C.B
31. G.O.Ms. No. 241 G.A. (Scr.C) Dept. dt. 31-05-1996 Departmental enquiries - Enforcement of allendcncc of witnesses and production of documents.
32. Memo. No. 414 Ser.C/96-1/GAD Dept., dt. 5-7-1996 Pending disciplinary cases - promotions – instructions.
33. G.O. Ms. No. 296 Fin & Pig (F.W.F.R.11) Dept. dt. 14-10-1996 Prompt payment of Subsistence allowance.
34. G.O.Ms. No. 496 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 29-11-96 Amendment to Rule-II. CCA Rules.
35. G.O.Ms. No. 53 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 04-02-1997 - Effect of censure on promotion / Appointment by transfer for one year.
36. U.O.Note No.28552, Ser.C/GAD/Dept., dt.07-05-1997 - APAT / Supreme court views - Disciplinary Action against Govt. Servants
37. G.O.Ms.No. 342 GAD/Ser.C/Dept., dated 4-8-1997 Minor penalties - Effect of penalty – Orders
38. U.O.Note No. 1005 GAD-SC.F/97-3 Dept., dated 27-9-1997 Entrustment of Departmental enquiries to Commissionerate of enquiries
39. U.O.Note No. 1005 SC-E/97-5/GAD Dept., dated 1-10-1997 Appointment of presenting officers - Commissionerate of enquiries
40. U.O.Note No. 75025 Ser-C/97-1. Dept., dated 14-10-1997 Disciplinary cases against Govt. Servants – Instructions
41. G.O.Ms.No. 440 GAD-Ser.D/Dept., dated 23-10-1997 ACB cases seeking Law Dept., opinion
42. O.M.No. 11013/11/97-Est(A), Govt. of India, Ministry of P.P.G&P (Dept., of P&T) New Delhi, dt. 6-11-1997 Central Govt. procedure - non-official influence
43. G.O.Ms.No.536 GAD-Ser.C/Dept., dt.08-12-1997 stoppage of increments - effects - consultation with APPSC
44. Memo. No: 95941/Ser.C/97-2 Dept., dt.08-01-1998 Appointment of enquiry officer - procedure
45. U.O.Note No. 87878 GAD-Ser.C/Dept., dated:09-01-1998 Govt. Servants canvassing or Influence
46. U.O.Note No: 26788 / Ser.C / GAD / Dept., dt. 18-05-1998 Suspension orders - Tribunal Interference
47. G.O.Ms.No. 188, GAD-Ser-C Dept., dated 26-05-1998 Govt. Servants - punishments - circulation of files to C.M
48. Memo. No. 35676 GAD-Ser.C/Dept., dated:01-07-1998 Fixing of time limit in Disciplinary cases
49. Memo. No. 2486/SC-E/98-l/GAD Dcrt., dt.17-11-1998 - A.C.B. cases speedy disposal - 2 months’ time limit.
50. Memo. No. 2487 GAD-Ser.C Dept., dated 19-11-1998 - ACB trapped officers’ transfers
51. UO Note No:2776 SC-E/98-1 GA (SC.E) Dept. dt.03-12-98 Review of orders of suspension against Govt. Servants
52. G.O.Ms.No:2 GAD. Ser.Cl Dept., dated:04-01-1999 Awarding penalty to Delinquent officers
53. G.O.Ms.No:19, GAD-Ser-C/Dept., dated 13-01-1999 A.P. Insurance & Medical Subordinate services inclusion in Schedule – II
54. G.O.Ms.No:23 GAD-Ser.C Dept., dated 23-01-1999 A.P. C.C.A. Rules 1991 - Amendment.
55. U.O. Note No:11107 Ser.C/99 GA (Ser.C) Dept. dt. 01-03-1999 procedure to be followed on receipt of the enquiry report
56. G.O.Ms.No:79 GA (Ser.C) Dept. dt.01-03-1999 Inclusion of P.R. Sub-ordinate Service Rules
57. G.O.Ms.No:200, G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 03-05-1999 Amendment to Rule - 40.
58. Memo No:32667/Ser.C/98-8 G.A. Dept., Dt. 13-05-1999 Consulting A.P.P.S.C for awarding major penalty
59. G.O.Ms.No:242 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 26-05-1999 Authorising the members of Commissionerate of inquiries appointed as inquiring authorities.
60. Memo No:18733 / 155 /A.l / Admn.I / TFR/ 99. Dt:04-06-1999 Re-drawal of money owing to loss through misappropriation - Provisions.
61. U.O.Note No:2885 / SC.E I/98-3 G.A. Dept., Dt.11-06-1999 A.C.B - Disproportionate assets cases - Transfer of Accused officers
62. G.O.Ms.No:205 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 15-6-1999 Inclusion of punishment of withholding increments under major penalties.
63. G.O.Ms.No.270 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 18-6-1999 Amendment to Rule – 20
64. G.O.Ms.No:279 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 23-6-1999 Amendment to Disciplinary proceedings Tribunal Rules.
65. U.O.Note No:2715/SC. E .3/98-9 G.A. Dept., Dt. 28-6-1999 - Instructions on revocation of Suspension, regularisation of suspension period
66. Memo No:20225/219/FR.II/99 F&P Dept., Dt. 23-7-1999 Additional charge arrangements in the vacancies of suspended Govt. Servants
67. Memo No:44391/Ser.C/99-G.A. Dept., Dt. 21-9-1999 Early completion of enquiries – Instructions
68. Memo No:20922/Ser.C/99 G.A. Dept., Dt. 28-9-1999 Procedural aspects in Disciplinary cases.
69. G.O.Ms.No:428 G.A. (Ser.D) Dept., Dt. 13-10-1999 Amendments to Rules (11) & (13)
70. Memo No:56183/Ser.C /99 G.A. Dept., Dt. 15-10-1999 Checklist in respect of suspension and Inquiry reports
71. Memo No:46733/Ser.C./99 G.A. Dept., Dt. 22-10-1999 Imposing major penalties - Certain instructions.
72. Memo No:32665/Ser.C/99-2 G.A. Dept., Dt. 27-10-1999 Delegation of Disciplinary powers to Regional officers and Heads of Departments
73. Memo No:706/Spl.B/3/99-3 G.A. Dept., Dt. 28-10-1999 Instructions on anonymous and pseudonymous petitions
74. Memo No. 34633/Ser.C/99 G.A. Dept., Dt. 4-11-1999 Stoppage of increments - currency of penalty.
75. Memo No. 60897/Ser.C/99 G.A. Dept., Dt. 12-11-1999 Final orders in Disciplinary proceedings
76. G.O.Ms.No. 516 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 16-12-1999 Amendments to Rule 6 & 7
77. G.O.Ms.No. 578 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 31-12-1999 Suspension beyond 6 months - Authorities empowered to review.
78. G.O.Ms.No. 20 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 20-1-2000 Amendment to rules 30 & 31
79. Memo No. 3691/Ser.1/2/2000-1 Edn. Dept., Dt. 14-3-2000 Criminal proceedings on misappropriation cases besides Dept. enquiry
80. Memo No. 40986/489/A2/FR.II/99-2 Dt. 1-4-2000 Compensatory allowances during suspension – Instructions
81. U.O. Note No. 19952/Ser.C/2000 G.A. Dept., Dt. 27-4-2000 Time schedule to expedite the inquiries
82. G.O.Ms.No. 147 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 1-5-2000 A.P. Vigilance Commission, Jurisdiction powers etc.,
83. U.O.Note No.3061/SC.B/99-1 Dt. 26-7-2000 Departmental enquiries – Instructions
84. Memo No.1728/Spl.B./G.A. Dept., Dt. 31-7-2000 Recommendations of vigilance commission
85. Memo No.24637/Ser.C/2000-2 G.A. Dept., Dt. 5-9-2000 Departmental inquiries – Instructions
86. G.O.Ms.No.315 G.A. (Ser. C) Dept., Dt. 5-9-2000 Inclusion of A.P. Tribal Welfare Engineering Services
87. U.O. Note No.43946/Ser.C/2000-3 G.A. Dept. Dt. 12-10-2000 Employees convicted by a court of law – Instructions
88. Memo No. 59391/Ser.C/2000-2 G.A. 9ept., Dt. 11-1-2001 Rule -24. Common proceedings.
89. Memo No. 32351/Ser.C/2000-1 G.A. Dept., Dt. 11-1-2001 Review of order of Suspension.
90. U.O.Note No.58414/Ser.C/2000-3 G.A. Dept., Dt. 7-2-2001. Accused officers on defence before the Tribunal - Format prescribed
91. Memo No. 58414/Ser.C/2000-4 G.A. Dept., Dt. 7-2-2001 Appointment of Departmental enquiry officer – Instructions
92. Memo No. 8081/Ser.C/2001-1 G.A. Dept., Dt. 28-2-2001 Advise of A.P.P.S.C in Disciplinary cases
93. Memo No. 742/SC. D/A.2/99-18 G.A. Dept., Dt. 12-3-2001 Disciplinary cases – Instructions
94. G.O.Ms.No. 229 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 22-5-2002 Amendment to Rule – 20
95. Memo No. 2045/Spl.B/2000-4 G.A. Dept., Dt. 25-5-2001 Suspension of accused officers involved in trap cases.
96. U.O.Note No. 599/Spl.B/99-1 G.A. Dept., Dt. 31-5-2001 Preparation of Draft articles of charges – Instructions
97. Memo No. 24313/Ser.C/2000 G.A. Dept., Dt. 26-7-2001 Dist. Collectors authorised to call for explanations.
98. U.O.Note No. 235/Spl.B/2001-1 G.A. Dept., Dt. 26-7-2001 Disciplinary cases - Consultation with vigilance commission.
99. G.O.Ms.No. 382 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 15-9-2001 Amendment to Rule. 11
100. G.O.Ms.No. 398 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 25-9-2001 Proforma form to be furnished in the case of suspended officials.
101. U.O.Note No. 1818/Spl. B/2000-2 G.A. Dept., Dt. 21-11-2001. Guidelines for placing accused officers under suspension in trap cases
102. Memo No.1621/Spl.B/2001-1 G.A.Dept.,Dt.26-11-2001, Govt. Servants convicted are not eligible to be in service – Instructions
103. G.O.Ms.No. 455 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 5-12-2001 Amendment to Rule- 40
104. G.O.Ms.No. 457 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 5-12-2001 Amendment to Rule -27
105. Memo.No.664/Spl.C/A.1/2004-1, G.A.Dept.,Dt.06-12-2004 Disciplinary Cases in consultation with Vig. Commissioner.
106. G.O.Ms.No:480 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.20-12-2001 Amendment to Rule – 37
107. G.O.Ms.No. 13 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 10-01-2002 Amendment to Rule – 20
108. G.O.Ms.No. 27 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 24-01-2002 Amendment to Rule – 8
109. G.O.Ms.No. 179 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 11-04-2002 Amendment to Rule – 21
110. G.O.Ms.No. 232 G.A. (Spl.B) Dept., Dt. 22-05-2002 Ensuring prompt action on the reports from vigilance Agencies
111. G.O.Ms.No. 249 G.A. (Spl.B) Dept., Dt. 22-05-2002 Setting up of stake holding committees to reduce corruption
112. G.O.Ms.No. 267 G.A. (Spl.B) Dept., Dt. 11-06-2002 Procedures to reduce scope for corruption.
113. Memo.No. 13673/Ser.C/2002-2 G.A. Dept., Dt.05-07-2002 Check-list for use of the Disciplinary authorities
114. G.O.Ms.No. 350 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.08-08-2002 Amendment to Rule – 27
115. G.O.Ms.No. 454 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.07-11-2002 Amendment to Rule – 20
116. G.O.Ms.No. 455 G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 07-11-2002 Amendment to Rule – 6
117. Memo No. 51375/Ser.C/2002-2 G.A Dept. Dt. 28-11-2002 Procedural Instructions to deal with misappropriation cases
118. Memo.No.51883/Ser.C/02-2, G.A. Dept., Dt.19-12-2002 Time Schedule to expedite inquiries.
119. Memo.No.51073/Ser.C/02-l, G.A. Dept., Dt.19-12-2002 Penalties to be recorded in the Setvice Register of the employee.
120. G.O.Ms.No.515, G.A. (Services-C) Dept., Dt.21-12-2002 CCA Rules, 1991 Amendment to Rule 21.
121. G.O.Ms.No.519, G.A. (Services-C) Dept, Dt:30-12-2002 CCA rules, 1991 - Amendment.
122. Cir.Memo.No.4532/Ser.D/2002-3, G.A. Dept, Dt:0l-01-2003 Discharge of probationers from Service.
123. U.O.Note No. 58445/Ser.C/2002-2G.A Dept., Dt:24-01-2003, Fixing time schedule for processing Disciplinary matters
124. G.O.Rt.No.977, G.A. (Spl.B) Dept., Dt.26-02-2003. Departmental enquiries - Furnishing of records.
125. G.O.Rt.No.1699, G.A. (Spl.C) Dept, Dt.15-04-2003 Departmental Inquiries basing on Anti-Corruption Cases.
126. G.O.Ms.No.163, G.A. (Spl.C) Dept, Dt:28-05-2003 Authorisation to Inspectors of Police of ACB to arrest without a warrant.
127. G.O.Ms.No.164, G.A. (Spl.B) Dept, Dt.28-05-2003 Authorisation to conduct investigation – Amendment
128. G.O.Ms.No.193, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept, Dt.26-06-2003 APCCA Rules, 1991 - Amendment.
129. G.O.Ms.No.206, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.16-07-2003 CCA Rules, 1991 - Amendment to G.O. 487, G.A. (Ser.C) Department, Dt.14.9.92.
130. Memo.No.82494/Ser.C/03, G.A. Dept., Dt.28-07-2003 Time Schedule to expediting inquiries.
131. G.O.Ms.No.232, G.A. (Spl.C) Dept., Dt.06-08-2003 Maintenance of list of Officers of Doubtful Integrity and Suspect Officers.
132. G.O.Ms.No.240, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.14-08-2003 Amendment of Rule 25(1) to APCS (CCA) Rules 1991.
133. Memo.No.91715/Ser.C/03, G.A. Dept., Dt.25-08-2003 Conduct of inquiry into charges against more than one charged officer in common proceedings.
134. Memo.No.107309/Ser.C/03, G.A. Dept., Dt.03-09-2003 Punishments imposed by the Disciplinary authorities should not be Modified by the Hon’ble Tribunal - SC Judgement.
135. G.O.Ms.No.260, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.04-09-2003 Unauthorised absence - wilful and prolonged absence from duty without proper leave - imposition of Major Penalty.
136. Memo.No.110169/Ser.C/03, G.A. Dept., Dt.11-09-2003 Review of suspension orders beyond 2 years.
137. G.O.Ms.No.353, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.18-11-2003 APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 - Amendment.
138. G.O.Ms.No.373, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.06-12-2003 APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 - Amendment.
139. Memo.No.19179/Ser.C/03, G.A. Dept., Dt.18-12-2003 Suspension of Corrupt Officers with Criminal Misconduct.
140. G.O.Ms.No.383, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.19-12-2003 APCS (CCA) Rules 1991 - Amendment.
141. G.O.Rt.No.4, G.A. (Spl.C) Dept., Dt.01-01-2004 Attachment of properties of Accused Officers Nomination of Receivers.
142. G.O.Ms.No.5, G.A. (Spl.C) Dept., Dt.08-01-2004 Enquiries on cases of Corruption - Instructions.
143. G.O.Ms.No:6, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.16-01-2004 APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 - Amendment.
144. G.O.Ms.No.22, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.30-01-2004, A.PCS (CCA) 1991 - Amendment.
145. G.O.Ms.No.25, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.03-02-2004 Misappropriation cases - Consolidated Guidelines.
146. Memo.No.49/Spl.C/2004-1, G.A. Dept., Dt.17-02-2004 Appointment of Common Inquiring Authority in respect of AIS Officers / State Officers I Staff involved in a common irregularity.
147. G.O.Ms.No.53, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.28-02-2004 APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991 - Amendment.
148. G.O.Ms.No.60, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.10-03-2004 APCS (DPT) Rules 1989 - Amendment to Clause (a) Sub-rules (2) of rule 6.
149. Memo.No.8388/Ser.C/04, G.A. Dept., Dt.12-03-2004 APCS (CC&A) Rules, 1991-Recast of Rule 20 easy and quick understanding of the procedure for imposing major penalties.
150. Memo.No.36761/Ser.C/2004, G.A. Dept., Dt. 12-03-2004 Suspension of Corrupt Officers on Criminal Misconduct.
151. Memo.No.70765/Ser.C/Al /2004-1, GA Dept., Dt.29-05-2004 Misappropriation Cases - Consolidation of guidelines.
152. G.O.Ms.No.229, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.12-08-2004 APCS (CC&A) Rules, 1991 - Payment of Honorarium to Retd. Govt. Servants appointed as inquiry Officer.
153. Memo.No.22044-A/448/F.R.II/2004, Fin. Dept., Dt.13-10-2004 Regularisation of suspension period.
154. Memo.No.19999/Vig.I(l)/2004, MA&UD Dept., Dt.20-10-2004 Imposition of punishments-Orders of Tribunal on Govt. Orders.
155. Cir.Memo.No.84/SPL.C/04-1, G.A. Dept., Dt.24-03-2005 Departmental Enquiries - Instructions.
156. G.O.Ms.No.231, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.07-06-2005 APCS (CC&A) Rules, 1991 -Amendment to Rule l l(27)(ii).
157. G.O.Ms.No.335, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.04-08-2005 Amendment to Rule 9(iii).
158. Memo.No.466/Spl.C/A-V2005-1, GA Dept., Dt.31-08-2005. Review of suspension Orders against Govt. Servants in disciplinary cases.
159. Memo.No.4152-C/761/FR.1/2005, Fin. Dept., Dt.28-09-2005 Wilful and prolonged absence from duty without proper leave.
160. Memo.No.258/Spl.C/A-1/2005-4, GA Dept., Dt.29-11-2005. Forwarding of record of enquiry along with the report to the APVC for advice.
161. G.O.Ms.No.557, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.14-12-2005 Amendment to Rule 27.
162. G.O.Ms.No.337, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.22-07-2006 Amendment to Rule-20.
163. G.O.Ms.No.552, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt.05-10-2006 Amendment to Rule-22.
164. Memo.No.15813/Ser-C/2007, G.A, Dept., dt.11-09-2007 Promotion / Appointment of employees to higher posts while investigation into allegations / disciplinary proceedings initiated against them are pending.
165. Memo.No.1271/Ser.C/2008, G.A. Dept., dt.21-01-2008 Expeditious disposal of cases involving public servants due to retire shortly.
166. G.O.Ms.No.526, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., dt.19-08-2008 Review of orders of suspension of Govt. Servants
167. G.O.Ms.No.635, G.A, Dept., dt.15-10-2008. Authorization to Inspectors of Police of A.C.B. to make arrest without a warrant
168. Memo No.623/Spl.C/Al /2008-1, G. A., Dept., dt.15-10-2008 A.C.B/ Vigilance Cases - Action on the reports
169. Memo No.623/Spl.C/Al /2008-2, G.A., Dept., dt.15-10-2008 Enhancement of margin in evaluating disproportionate assets from 10% to 20%
170. Memo No.623/Spl.C/A 1/2008-3, G.A., Dept., dt.15-10-2008 Attachment of Properties in cases of disproportionate assets.
171. Memo No.623/Spl.C/Al /2008-4, G.A. Dept., dt.15-10-2008 Making arrests of Accused Officers in Trap / disproportionate assets cases.
172. G.O.Ms.No.679, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., dt.01-11-2008 Completion of inquiries - To adhere to the time schedule
173. G.O.Ms.No.680, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., dt.01-11-2008. Initiation of disciplinary action.
174. U.O.Note No.43035/Ser-C/Al /2008-1, GA. Dept., dt.25-6-2009 Disciplinary cases referred to the A.P. Public Service Commission for concurrence
175. U.O.Note No.27306/Ser-C/A 1/09-1, G.A. Dept., dt.07-08-2009 Delay in processing the files
176. G.O.Ms.No.458, G.A. (Ser.-C) Dept., dt.22-09-2009 Amendment to Rule-9.
177. G.O.Ms.No.177, G.A. (SW.I) Dept., dt.13-4-2011 Action to be taken on the employees, who participate in Strikes and other agitations.
178. G.O.Rt.No.1617, G.A. (SW-I) Dept., dt.18-4-2011 G O.Ms.No.177, G.A. (SW-I) Dept. Kept in abeyance.
179. G.O.Ms.No. 593, G.A. (SER.C) Dept., Dt. 21-10-2011 Employees acquitted by trial courts - Appeal preferred before the higher courts - Promotion of the employees to the next higher category.
180. G.O.Rt.No. 2285, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., Dt.18-05-2012 Disciplinary cases - Reinstatement of suspended Government servants into service after reviewing suspension orders - Consultation with Andhra Pradesh Vigilance Commission.
181. G.O.Ms.No. 110, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., Dt.18-03-2013 APCS (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991-Amendments to sub-rules (4), (5(a)), (5(b)) and (5(c)) of rule 20.
182. G.O.Ms.No 818, G.A. (Ser-C) Dept., Dt.28-11-2013 Personal Files - Prescription of Record sheet for Non-Gazetted Officers - Modified format.