AP Janbhagidari FLN Activities from 1st June to 15th June 2023 Rc.No.SS-15021

Rc.No.SS-15021/18/2021-SAMO-SSA, Dt: 28/05/2023 Janbhagidari FLN Activities from 1st June to 15th June 2023 Rc.No.SS-15021 Leading the way to the 4th EdWG meeting in Pune! Nationwide Jan bhagidari events, dedicated to Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in the context of blended learning are set to take place from 1st to 15th June.
Samagra Shiksha, AP – SIEMAT - Instructions to DEOs & APCs on implementation of NIPUN Bharat activities - Reg

Janbhagidari FLN Activities from 1st June to 15th June 2023 Rc.No.SS-15021

Sub: Samagra Shiksha, AP – SIEMAT - Instructions to DEOs & APCs on implementation of NIPUN Bharat activities - Reg

Ref: D.O.No.1-4/2022-IS-13, dt:20.05.2023 of the Joint Secretary & National Mission Director for NIPUN Bharat Mission, DoSE&L, MoE, GoI, New Delhi.

The attention of the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are invited to the reference cited and it is informed that the first theme is ‘Ensuring Foundation Literacy and Numeracy, especially in the context of blended learning' which is the theme being focused in the 4th EdWG meeting at Pune, Maharashtra between 19th to 22nd June 2023. It will culminate with the Education Ministerial meeting on 22nd June 2023.

A lot of activities including Janbhagidari events, workshops, seminars and conferences are being planned starting from 1st June 2023 upto the main event as under:
  • i. Janbhagidari events at the level of schools and district
  • ii. State level Conference on FLN between 1st to 15th June, 2023
  • iii. Exhibition from 16th to 22nd June 2023 at Savitribai Phule University Campus at Pune
  • iv. Two days National Conference on FLN from 17th to 18th June,2023 at Pune
The MoE, GoI has requested to organize the Janbhagidari events in our State/ UT at all levels as per the suggestive list of events annexed as part of NIPUN Bharat mission. The events may be planned around the themes of Foundational Learning/ NIPUN/ Digital Initiatives/ NEP and G20 Presidency. The informational material and templates sent earlier prepared by the NCERT may be used extensively for planning the events and can be accessed on NCERT website. The district level workshops may be led by the Kendriya Vidyalayas and Regional offices of NCERT and by Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (where KV is not situated). The district level Samagra Shiksha authorities should also partner with these activities for optimal participation.

The State level workshops may be conducted anytime between 1st and 15th June with a wide participation from the prominent schools and CSOs/ Companies working with the schools for FLN/ NIPUN. It may be led by the CBSE along with the State Authorities for optimal participation. The list of activities are annexed.

Therefore, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested conduct the activities as per the schedule in the concerned districts so as to make program a grand success and submit compliance in the matter.

G20 Education Working Group(EdWG) NEP, FLN - JANBHAGIDARI Exhibition.
Theme of the Exhibition: Ensuring Foundation Literacy and numeracy, especially in the context of blended learning.

Tentative Schedule for the conduct of suggestive activities at School Level/Mandal Level from 1st June to 15th June,2023

Tentative Schedule for the conduct of suggestive activities at School Level/Mandal

Events Activities Particip
Dates End of the program
i. Summer camp/ Function/ workshop/ sport event / cultural event/ mela etc. focusing on FLN, digital education, G20 FLN Camps
Sports Events Cultural Events
FLN Melas 
G20 awareness
Digital Education
School Teachers, HMs, Children
, Parents Community (Max 50 participants)
invitation to all stake holders.
Provide tools an d materials to the participants.
Program upto
1st June
Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link
.The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
ii. PTM / SMC/ PRI/Community meetings in schools Conduct the meetings on the below areas:
School HMs. PC Chair person, one teacher, one Aanganwadi, Invitation to all PC members and Aanganwadi teachers 29.05.23 Program upto1st June Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link. The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
iii. Activities involving use of Audio-visual aids for FLN (age appropriate) Competitions using audio/visual aids
Digital stories narrating and enacting.
Children from Pre-primary to class 3. To involve maxi mum 50 children at the school le vel. 29.05.2
Program upto 1st Jun e
Concern MEO should
select 3 top best events among all schools i n his/her jurisdiction the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link
The above same may be furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
iv. Activities on story making / storytelling/ rangoli/ puppetry events Story making
Story tell ng
Puppetry events
Children from Pre-primary
to class3. Parents .
Invitation to all stake holders. 30.05.2 3 Program upto
1st Jun e
Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction
the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link. The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
v. Rallies / Cycle rallies/ Prabhatferi etc Cycle Rallies
NIPUN A nthem an d pledge
Teacher s, Parents, Children. (Max- 50) Invitation to all stakeholdres. 30.05.2 3 Program upto1st Jun e Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link. The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
vi. Quiz/Poems/Debates/ Wall Painting/ Art and craft competition/ drama/ nukkad natak etc. Conduct the competitions in the areas of FLN, NEP, G20. Teacher s, Parents, Children. (
Max- 50)
Invitation to all stake holders. 30.05.2 3 Program upto
1st Jun e
Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction
the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link. The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
vii. Screening of 3 FLN film (link is provided):

https://youtu.be/kAcBtY7 s2NM

https://youtu.be/1HhhPP hQJdA
To watch the 3 FLN films by clicking on the links. Teacher s, Parents, Children. (Max- 50) Invitation to all stakeholders. 30.05.2 3 Program upto1st Jun e Concern MEO should select 3 top best events among all schools in his/her jurisdiction the documentation, photographs, videos, upload in the given link. The above same maybe furnish to the district level officers by the end of the day.
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