AP KGBV Transfers 2023 KGBV Employees Transfers Guidelines Eligibility Detailed Rules

KGBV Transfers 2023 Guidelines Eligibility Transfers Process How to APPLY Detailed Rules. 
Memo Rc. No. SS-21021/83/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated:02/06/2023. APSS-KGBV – Teaching and non-teaching staff Working in KGBVs - -Request replacements – Orders – Issued.
AP KGBV Transfers 2023 Guidelines Eligibility Transfers Process How to APPLY Detailed Rules

AP KGBV Transfers 2023 Guidelines: The Transfers Guidelines for AP KGBV Teaching and Non Teaching Staff has been released by the Govt of AP. All the KGBV Kasturbha Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Teachers, Non- Teaching Staff who wish to apply for Transfers should apply as per the rules prescribed here. 

AP KGBV Transfers 2023 Guidelines Eligibility Transfers Process How to APPLY Detailed Rules

AP KGBV Transfers 2023 Guidelines: The Transfers Guidelines for AP KGBV Teaching and Non Teaching Staff has been released by the Govt of AP. All the KGBV Kasturbha Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Teachers, Non- Teaching Staff who wish to apply for Transfers should apply as per the rules prescribed here. 

Memo Rc. No. SS-21021/83/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated:02/06/2023

Sub: APSS-KGBV – Teaching and non-teaching staf Working in KGBVs - -Request replacements – Orders – Issued.

Ref:-1.Representations of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staf working in kGBVs through Public representatives and individuals.

2. G.O Rt.No.73School Education (PROG.II) dated 16.05.2023

All the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators, SS and Additional Project Coordinators SS in the State are informed that there are several representations are receiving from the teaching and non-teaching staf working in the KGBVs through the Public Representatives and Individuals for transfers on humanitarian grounds especially the married ones, widows, those who have dependent children, dependent parents, unmarried, suffering with chronical deceases etc.,

In the reference 2nd cited above the Govt has issued instructions to take up the request transfers on humanitarian grounds. Therefore it is decided to take up request replacements of teaching and non-teaching staff of cadres duly following the guidelines prescribed as below through the District Level Committee chaired by the District Collector / Joint Collector:
  1. District Level Committee:
Name of the Ofcer Position
District Collector / Nominee Chairman
District Educational Ofcer Member
Additional Project Coordinators of all newly formed districts Member-Convenor (Erstwhile district APC)
Dy. Educational Ofcer, Erstwhile district Member

AP KGBV Transfers 2023 Time Schedule:

Issue of Notification at District Level 03-06-2023
Receipt of physical applications by APC, erstwhile district 05-06-2023 to 7- 06-2023
Preparation of seniority List 8-06-2023
Receipt of appeals on seniority list 9-06-2023
Preparation of final seniority 10-06-2023
Conduct of counselling as per seniority and issue of request replacement orders 12-06-2023
Compliance to State Ofce 13-06-2023

Guidelines for Preparation of AP KGBV Transfers Seniority Lists 2023

I. Guidelines for preparation of seniority lists:
  • a. The seniority list shall be prepared for all cadres by taking 30- 04-2023 for preparation of seniority list.
  • b. Seniority lists shall be prepared for total points of 100.
  • c. Every completed one academic year service will award 4 points and upper ceiling is 60 points.
  • d. Unmarried women will award 5 points
  • e. KGBV staf, whose spouse belongs to State Govt. or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local body, A.P. Residential Educational Institutions, Societies, Aided Institutions or A.P. Model Schools and working in the same district, Contract and Outsourcing in any State Government and Samagra Shiksha will award 5 points.
  • f. Station seniority points:
  • g. Every individual is eligible to award station seniority points with upper limit of 30 points.
  • h. For every completed academic year of service in Category-IV areas
  • i. For every completed academic year of service in Category -III areas
  • j. For every completed academic year of service in Category- II areas
  • k. For every completed academic year of service in Category-I areas

Allocation of points for preparation of seniority list:

Sl. No. Description Point Awarded
1. Service Points (maximum service considered is 15 years @ 4 points per year) 60
2. Un-married woman 5
3. Spouse category 5
4. Station Points (maximum 30 points) 30
  Total 100
Note: However, preferential category candidates shall be placed top of seniority list irrespective of their merit in points as explained at point No.IV.

h. Preferential Categories:
The following categories shall be given priority in the seniority lists, irrespective of their entitlement points.

1. Physically handicapped i.e., those with not less than 70% / Visually Challenged / Orthopedically Handicapped / Hearing Impaired not less than 40%.
2. The applicant who are suffering with the following diseases, in which she is undergoing treatment.
  • a. Cancer
  • b. Open Heart Surgery/ Correction of ASD/Organ transplantation.
  • c. Neuro Surgery
  • d. Bone TB
  • e. Kidney Transplantation
  • f. Spinal surgery
3. Applicants with dependents i.e., Mother, Father, children, Spouse who are mentally retarded and are undergoing treatment.

4. Applicant with dependent children who are suffering with the following decease and undergoing treatment
  • a. Children suffering with holes in the Heart by Birth.
  • b. Juvenile Diabetes
  • c. Thalassemia
  • d. Haemophilia
  • e. Muscular Dystrophy
5. Spouse of the service/Ex-service person in Army/Navy/Air Force/BSF/CRPF/CISF. (Certificates issued by the competent Authority is only valid for consideration of spouse points).

6. The committee shall arrive at the number of vacancies i.e. the difference between sanctioned and working in each cadre in the district.

7. The District Level Committee shall conduct the counselling and issue replacement orders to all cadres, who have applied for request replacement, as per the given schedule.

I. Vacancy position:

a. All the vacancies available in the KGBVs of erstwhile district shall be considered for request replacement on as on 31-05-2023.

b. The vacancies identified for request replacements should not be crossed the sanctioned posts, vacancy position submitted to the State Ofce.

c. For example:: in the KGBV wherever Bi.P.C is available, no need appoint any PGTs (Language)

d. In the KGBV, wherever, MPC, CEC HEC and Vocational Courses are available, PGT(English) may be allowed for apply of replacement.

e. PGT(Languages) should not be replaced to the KGBVs, wherever no languages posts are sanctioned to that particular KGBV.

II. Guidelines for request replacements in KGBVs.

1. The request replacement will be taken up for Teaching and non-teaching Staf of all cadres in all the KGBVs considering erstwhile 13 districts as a unit

2. The Teaching Staf and Non-teaching Staf working in KGBVs shall be eligible to apply for request replacement.

3. The request replacement is on purely on request basis of the individuals concerned, it means no one should be replaced / transferred without request.

4. The KGBV teaching and Non-teaching staf who are transferred on disciplinary and administrative grounds previously shall not eligible for request replacement at present.

5. In respect of the Inter-District request replacements should be taken up by the State Ofce after completion of district level request replacement.

III. General Guidelines to apply the request replacement:

1. The staf who are eligible as per the criteria prescribed in the above guidelines may apply in the prescribed proforma and the particulars furnished in the proforma shall be final and no modification shall be allowed.

2. After receipt of applications, the authorities concerned shall display the provisional seniority list and call for objections if any. After redressing the objections / grievances, the authority shall display the final seniority list along with the entitlement points in the notice board of DEO office and Samagra Shiksha office.

3. The Addl. Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha of the erstwhile district shall cross verify all objections and pass orders disposing of the same. In case where objections are upheld, the Addl. Project Coordinators shall make necessary corrections in the seniority list.

4. The Additional Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha of erstwhile district shall be the competent authority for issue of request replacement orders on behalf of the committee after completion of the counselling.

5. The Addl. Project Coordinator of the district concerned is responsible for the implementation of the request replacement orders in the most transparent manner without giving any scope for complaints / allegations.

6. The Teaching and Non-teaching Staf of KGBV who are eligible for request replacement shall be relieved immediately from the present place of working on receipt of the request replacement orders and she shall join in the new KGBV where they are replaced on the next day of issue / receipt of orders.

7. The salaries of the replaced Teaching and Non-Teaching staf should be met from the newly replaced KGBVs.

8. The KGBV staff who have any grievance on the request replacement counselling may appeal before the District Collector, Erstwhile District with evidence in support of their claim within 7 days of completion of replacement.

9. If any candidate completed more than six months service period in a particular academic year shall be treated 1 year, if less than six months of service shall be not counted.

10. Manual counselling will be conducted at respective Erstwhile District Head Quarters by the District Level Committee as per the seniority.

11. Appeals received on seniority list after due to will not be considered.

Note:- 1) Any discrepancy in respect of counselling, vacancy position making in seniority list will be viewed as serious and responsibility fx up on the erstwhile district Educational Ofcer and Additional Project Coordinators of concerned districts.

2) The PGTs, CRTs, PETs who are working as Guest faculty, part-time and outsourcing basis are eligible for request replacements.

3) In respect of vacancies and employment if any court cases are pending should not touch the said vacancies.

Therefore, all District Educational Officers Ex-ofcio Project Coordinators, SS and Additional Project Coordinators, SS in the State are requested to take necessary action for conduct request replacements as per guidelines and Time schedule and submit compliance.
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