LIP Trainings to HS HMs, MEOs Time Schedule | Learning Improvement Program Module 2023

LIP Trainings to HS HMs, MEOs Time Schedule | Learning Improvement Program Module 2023. LIP Trainings to HS HMs, MEOs Proceedings Schedule Learning Improvement Program Trainings 2023. Rc.No.SS-15021/46/2023-SAMO-SSA Dt: 04/11/2023

Sub Samagra Shiksha, AP – Quality Initiatives -Learning Improvement Program for classes 6th to 8th in 10 districts - Conduct of follow up trainings to the Headmasters, MEOS, complex level subject Resource Persons at district level and teachers of Upper Primary High Schools at subject complex level during November, 2023 - Orders issued. 

Ref: Lr.No.CIPS-ASCI/FLN/2022/4130, Dt:30.10.2023 of the Director,CIPS.

    LIP Trainings to HS HMs, MEOs Time Schedule | Learning Improvement Program Module 2023

    The District Education Officers of Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Anakapalli, AS Rama Raju, Vizianagaram, Parvathipuram, Manyam, YSR Kadapa, Annamaiah, Satya Sai are hereby informed that it is proposed to conduct LIP trainings at district and school complex level and the details are as follows.

    Learning Improvement Program Trainings 2023

    LIP trainings at District level and at school complex level

    1. Training to complex Resource persons at district level @ 2 per each subject complexes 
    • Spell -I Complex RPS Training: Dt.6.11.2023 & 7.11.2023 
    • Spell-II Complex RPS Training: Dt. 8.11.2023 & 9.11.2023 
    Planning Meeting at District level - Dt. 4.11.2023 - A planning meeting at district level with all the DRPS trained at State level training program at Vijayawada on 04.11.2023 to plan the training and prepare the training material and arrangement of PPTs training halls, IFP panel and other teaching learning resources.

    2. Training to Headmasters of High Schools, complex HMS and MEO- 1 on LIP strategies and monitoring at district level.

    • Spell-I HMs and MEO-2 Training: Dt. 13.11.2023 & 14.11.2023
    • Spell-II HMs and MEO-2 Training: Dt.15.11.2023 & 16.11.2023 
    Both the Spells are with 4 batches of each with HMs and MEOS @ 40 per batch.

    3. Training to teachers at subject complex level i.e., subject school assistants and language pandits working in Upper Primary and High Schools in the subjects of Telugu, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
    • Complex level Trainings (Language subjects): Dt.27.11.2023 & 28.11.2023
    • Complex level Trainings (Non-Language subjects): Dt.29.11.2023 &
    Planning Meeting at school complex level - Dt. 26.11.2023 A planning meeting at school complex level with the complex RPs trained at district level to plan the training and prepare the training material and arrangement of PPTs, training room and other teaching learning resources.

    The 20 DRPS selected from each of the erstwhile 5 districts trained at State level will conduct training initially in the first district followed second district. They have to cover two districts and in case of Vishakhapatnam they have to cover three districts.

    Initially they conduct the training in one district in Spell I and training in another district in Spell II. The DRPS should plan on 4th November, 2023 and decide dates separately for two districts. In case of Vishakhapatnam there are three districts and the training will continue in Spell III since there are three districts i.e., Vishakhapatnam, ASR and Anakapalli.

    LIP Teacher handbooks 2023

    One teacher handbook was developed discussing the various gaps in the implementation of LIP and suggestive strategies to improve the children learning outcomes and covering all the five subjects. The handbook possess monitoring formats, model baseline test papers, progress recording sheet and subject wise lesson plans along with plan for monitoring, reviews and school complex meetings. The handbooks have been printed and now supplied to the DEO offices. 

    The concerned DEOS shall distribute the handbooks to the participants in the training programs. Every teacher, headmaster, MEO will get one copy of teacher handbook. The trainings will be conducted with the handbooks in the hands of the participants. Handbook is very much essential during the training program where participants will go through the session wise topics and participate in the discussions.

    The training schedule and the guidelines for the conduct of training programs, 2-day time table for all the training programs is enclosed on the conduct of training programs (Annexure – I). The list of State level Resource Group members drafted as observers to the district level training programs is enclosed (Annexure-II). The expenditure towards the training programs as above will be from Samagra Shiksha. The DIET principals has to monitor the training program along with AMOS.

    All the DEOS are requested to meet with DRPS trained at State level on 4th November, 2023 and plan for the effective conduct of training programs. The officials from Samagra Shiksha and LIP partner agencies will be visiting the districts and observe the training programs.

    An online meeting will be conducted by the SPD with the DEOS of 10 LIP districts along with DIET principals, AMOS and DRPS trained at state level will be conducted on 03.11.2023 at 04.00 PM where the training details, guidelines, etc. will be discussed by the officials of SPD and partner agencies.

    The DEOS & APCs are further informed that the proposed budget for the above said trainings are annexed in Annexure-4 and it is instructed to furnish the actual expenditure after conducting the said trainings and the bills should be endorsed by the concerned DEO for release of budget and further directed to provide logistics to the state observers for the said trainings.

    LIP Trainings Guidelines 2023

    LIP – Conduct of training programs to the complex Resource Persons and Headmasters of high schools and MEO-2 at district level and training to subject teachers i.e., School Assistants in the Upper Primary and High Schools in the subjects of Telugu, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies at school complex level.

    LIP trainings at District level and at school complex level
    1. Training to complex Resource persons at district level @ 2 RPs per subject complex
    • Spell -I Complex RPs Training: Dt.6.11.2023 & 7.11.2023 
    • Spell-II Complex RPs Training: Dt. 8.11.2023 & 9.11.2023
    Planning Meeting at District level - Dt. 4.11.2023 - A planning meeting at district level with all the DRPs trained at State level training program at Vijayawada on 04.11.2023 to plan the training and prepare the training material and arrangement of PPTs, training hall facilities, IFP panel and other teaching learning resources.
    There are subject complexes for the high school teachers in all the subject areas – 2 Resource Persons per subject complex may be invited to the training. Complex Resource Persons @ 2 per complex for all the five subject complexes in the districts may be invited to the training. These 2 RPs will in turn conduct training to the teachers in their subject complex. 

    For example, in the district of Srikakulam there are 30 mandals and 13 subject complexes per subject i.e., 13×2 = 26 Resource Persons for Telugu to be invited to the training and likewise 26 Resource Persons each in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies may be called for training at district level. 

    These Resource Persons will in turn conduct the training to the teachers at their subject complexes. In case of other districts where districts are bifurcated into two or three the DRPs initially will conduct in one district and followed by other districts. DRPs to move to the other districts to conduct the training.

    The 2-day session wise time table for the training is enclosed.
    2. Training to Headmasters of High Schools, complex HMs and MEO-2 on LIP strategies and monitoring at district level.
    • Spell-I HMs and MEO-2 Training: Dt. 13.11.2023 & 14.11.2023 
    • Spell-II HMs and MEO-2 Training: Dt.15.11.2023 & 16.11.2023
    The DRPs trained at State level i.e., 20 per district will conduct the training to the headmasters and MEOs at divisional level venues. The 20 DRPs may be made to 4 groups and these 4 groups will train 4 batches of Headmasters and MEOs at a time in different places / divisions.

    The 2-day session wise time table for the training is enclosed.
    3. Training to teachers i.e., subject school assistants and language pandits working in Upper Primary and High Schools in the subjects of Telugu, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies at school complex level.

    • 2-day Complex level Trainings (Languages): Dt.27.11.2023 & 28.11.2023
    • 2-day Complex level Trainings (Non-Languages): Dt.29.11.2023 & 30.11.2023
    The complex RPs @ 2 per complex trained at district level will conduct the training to the subject teachers in the subject school complex.

    Planning Meeting at school complex level - Dt. 26.11.2023 - A planning meeting at school complex level with the complex RPs trained at district level to plan the training and prepare the training material and arrangement of PPTs, training hall, IFP panel and other teaching learning resources.

    The 20 DRPs selected from each of the erstwhile 5 districts trained at State level will conduct training initially in the first district followed second district. They have to cover two districts and in case of Vishakhapatnam they have to cover three districts. Initially they conduct the training in one district in Spell I and training in another district in Spell II. The DRPs should plan on 4th November, 2023 and decide dates separately for two districts. In case of Vishakhapatnam there are three districts and the training will continue in Spell III since there are three districts i.e., Vishakhapatnam, ASR and Anakapalli.

    Further guidelines for the conduct of the trainings:

    · All trainings must be conducted in the schools with IFP panels.

    · Planning meeting with the Resource Persons one day advance before the trainings to plan for the trainings and arrange the facilities at the training venue, IFP panels.

    · The teacher handbooks must reach training venue one day advance from the DEO offices.The teacher handbooks will reach DEO offices from the printing press / state office well in advance.

    · In case of reaching of modules to the school complexes the modules may be hand over to complex RPs during district level training so that they can distribute to the teachers in the complex training program. Modules distribution to DRPs at district level trainings.

    · DRPs shall act as observers for the teachers training at complex level.

    · The DRPs trained at state level only shall conduct trainings at district level to the complex level RP and the school complex headmasters, head masters of high schools and upper primary school.Untrained DRPs shall not conduct trainings. The DEOs to ensure that the all the DRPs trained at state level shall invaluable participate and conduct the trainings and act as observers to the trainings at complex level. No permission to skip the training.

    · Complex RPs trained at district level only shall conduct trainings to the teachers at complex level.

    · The participants must bring their subject text book of 6 or 7 or 8th along with old LIP module i.e., the complex RPs and teachers must bring textbooks to the trainings.

    · Ideally 40 members per batch of training is recommended.

    · 2 times tea and lunch may be provided at district level training programs. The Samagra Shiksha guidelines may be followed for providing TA, DA and honorarium for the Resource Persons and participants.

    · The state level Resource Persons will be drafted as district observers during the training programs and they submit the report to the SPD on the effectiveness of conduct of training programs.

    · The officials of the Samagra Shiksha and partner agencies will visit the districts and observe the training programs and they submit the report to the SPD on the effectiveness of conduct of training programs.

    An online meeting with all the DEOs of 10 LIP districts along with DIET principals, AMOs and DRPs trained at state level along with the officials of Samagra Shiksha and partner organizations to discuss the conduct of training programs effectively and the roles of DEOs, DEIT principals and AMOs. The date and timings will be informed by the SPD office.

    LIP Trainings 2023 Venues List

    Name of the District Name of the Venue for LIP trainings Dates for School Complex RPs Training
    program ON LIP
    Dates for HIGH SCHOOL HMs &MEO-2
    Training Program on LIP
    Srikakulam AVN (V) Municipal Corporation High school, Gujarathi peta ( Non- Language) Srikakulam Dt. NTR Municipal Corporation High school, (Language) Srikakulam Dt. 6.11.23- 7.11.23 13.11.23- 14.11.23
    Vizianagaram SITAM Engineering college, Vizianagaram Dt. 6.11.23-7.11.23 13.11.23-14.11.23
    Manyam KPM High school, Kottavalasa, parvathipuram 8.11.23-9.11.23 15.11.23-16.11.23
    Visakhapatnam DIET,Bhimili,Vsp Dt. 6.11.23-7.11.23 13.11.23-14.11.23
    ASR Government High School,Paderu.ASR Dt. 8.11.23-9.11.23 15.11.23-16.11.23
    Anakapalli ZPHS Boys High school,Kasimikota ,Anakapalli Dt. 8.11.23-9.11.23 15.11.23-16.11.23
    Kadapa Municipal Corporation High school, Gandhi nagar,kadapa Dt 8.11.23-9.11.23 13.11.23-14.11.23
    Annamayya ZPHS, Urdu market, Rayachoti, Annamayya Dt. 6.11.23-7.11.23 15.11.23-16.11.23
    Ananthapur Sarada Municipal Highschool, 1st road,Ananthapur Dt. 6.11.23-7.11.23 13.11.23-14.11.23
    Sri Satya Sai DIET, Bukkapatnam, SriSatya Sai Dt 8.11.23-9.11.23 15.11.23-16.11.23

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    LIP Module 2023 PDF

    LIP Module and LIP Teacher HandBook contains LIP Lesson Plans, LIP Model Study Plan, LIP - Progress review meetings at school, School complex, District and State level, Training of trainers, teachers, headmasters and departmental officials
    Online data capturing formats and Apps
    English Medium instruction - Teaching Strategies
    LIP Observation Formats etc
    Click Here to Download LIP Module Teacher Handbook PDF

    Teachers LIP Hand Book.pdf
    LIP Guidelines.pdf
    LIP List of SRGs.pdf
    LIP List of venues.pdf